Crome Dental Clinic

Beautiful dental veneers

Beautiful dental veneers

Dental Veneers in Cobham, Surrey

If you’re looking for stunning yet affordable dental veneers in Surrey, the expert team at our Cobham clinic can help.

Benefit from the experience and skills of Dr Michael Fahami and Dr Eman Mottaleb, who can beautifully enhance your smile with our high-quality porcelain veneers. They deliver superb, natural-looking results at great prices.

Why choose us for veneers?

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Porcelain veneer prices

To help keep this treatment as affordable as possible, we have ensured our prices are extremely competitive compared to other dental veneer dentists in and around Cobham, Surrey.

Treatment Cost (from)
1 Veneer
2 Veneers
4 Veneers
Additional veneers

Our latest reviews via Google business

“This is an excellent dental practice. Michael is a highly skilled clinician who has a very calm and reassuring manner and is a true professional. This is backed up by a very efficient team including Wendy who is a super hygienist. Highly recommended.”

Meet our dental veneers experts

Dr Michael Fahami

GDC No: 71417

Dr Eman Mottaleb

Dr Eman Mottaleb

GDC No: 82501

Our highly skilled dental veneers team includes clinical director and dentist Dr Michael Fahami and Dr Eman Mottaleb, who have over 50 years of extensive dentistry experience between them.

What are dental veneers?

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells (similar to finger nails) that are designed to cover the front faces of teeth. They can quickly transform the colour, shape and size of teeth in just one treatment.

Our veneers are individually crafted in a laboratory from high-quality porcelain. This very durable and stain resistant material looks similar to natural tooth enamel, allowing for an exceptionally realistic appearance.

When ready, the veneers are firmly secured into position using a special cement. You’re then ready to show off your amazing new smile.

The advantages of dental veneers

Dental veneers FAQs

Dental veneers are a great solution if your teeth are:

  • Discoloured or stained
  • Chipped
  • Irregularly spaced
  • Misshapen
  • Slightly crooked

The process usually requires two to three appointments, spanning a period of approximately 6 weeks.

The first step is an initial consultation to assess the condition of your teeth and to discuss with the dentist the outcome that you would like to achieve.

The natural teeth are then prepared and impressions taken to allow for an accurate fit and good aesthetic result. These are sent to the laboratory where the new veneers are created.

Finally, a return appointment is made for the veneers to be securely fitted into position.

While wearing your veneers, you can continue to eat and drink as you normally would. However, being mindful of their presence will help them to last longer and maintain their appearance over time.

To protect your veneers, it is advisable to avoid biting into hard foods (like raw carrots) using your front teeth.

While porcelain veneers are generally less susceptible to staining than natural teeth, you can keep them looking pristine by minimising the consumption of beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine.

Modern veneers are very durable. If looked after well, they can last for between 10 and 15 years before needing to be replaced. Porcelain maintains its appearance well and has the advantage of not discolouring easily.

Our state-of-the-art Cobham clinic

Patient satisfaction is very important to us


Our latest Google Business reviews


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